Thursday, June 16, 2022

Check out these historic sites in Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County is known for having tons of exhibits and exciting sights to stop and see, but it's more than just celebrities and interesting shops! From a witch’s home to pits that held onto the bones of animals for thousands of year's, each of these destinations will surprise and intrigue you!
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The benefits of interning in Seoul

Seoul skyline.

An internship is one way of learning how to work strategically in the corporate world, both personally and professionally. It is a monumental occurrence in everyone’s job experience. Although there is a limit to partaking in one’s internship, it is considered a real, first-hand career. This program’s ability to acquire knowledge and expertise in a specific field of study is something we should promote in any way possible, especially if, at the end of the program, lots of wisdom and experience are put into the minds and skillsets of the interns.
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Visita Iglesia: A pilgrimage tour of 7 old churches in Bulacan

It's no secret that Bulacan is the nearest province in Metro Manila. Its proximity to bustling cities makes it a popular Visita Iglesia pilgrimage choice in times of Holy Week for devotees living in the concrete jungle of the metropolis. Visita Iglesia is a seven-churches visitation, usually done every Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, and Easter Sunday of the Lenten Season. The province, which is bordered by the cities of Valenzuela and Caloocan and another province Rizal in the southern part, is not only accessible to the city but also a fun destination that offers magnificent architectural designs of old churches to church-goers.
Thursday, April 21, 2022

On problem

SUNSET. The sun, with its fiery orange color, sets over the horizon of Meycauayan Commercial Complex.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Burning our bare hands

Experiencing snowfall for the first time in Utah.

It was mid-March and we had just driven into Hurricane, Utah. Winter was almost over, yet the temperature remained at thirty-nine degrees Fahrenheit—chilly, but not freezing. As we pulled into the Motel 6 parking lot and stepped out of the car, Sev and I started to shiver from the late afternoon air. Right away, Sev headed to the front office to check us in to the room, which was just off the main highway that would eventually lead us to Zion and Bryce, the first national parks I would visit on my first trip to the United States.

Tips for first-time cross-country travelers

Check-in counter at Dubai International Airport.

I was anxious when I first traveled outside of the Philippines. Since it was my first time, I knew before I could enjoy my relaxing vacation that I would be asked so many (un)reasonable questions by an immigration officer in my home country and in the countries of my destination, which were Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. That I would move from one immigration station to another. And that I would cross from border to border. Whenever I was in line to get through immigration, I would inhale and exhale to release the tension in my body. From there, I would compose myself as I faced the officer inside the booth. So, for every question thrown at me, I would answer each of them truthfully and confidently. I embodied those characteristics until I became a frequent traveler.
Friday, November 19, 2021

Online game I play to kill time as I wait in line whenever I travel

Behind me is the infamous Golden Gate Bridge in San Franciso, California, USA.

As a travel enthusiast, online games play an important role in keeping me entertained when I travel, most often while waiting to board a plane at the airport, or while waiting in line to kill time. Waiting is the most boring part of my travels, and sometimes it is better to do some activities to get past an hour or two. To do this, I read books and play online games. The site I usually visit to see free browser-based online games is Plays.Org.